Feb 28, 2013

Android Widgets

Android Rating Bar :

The rating bar contains many configurable values. In this case, the rating bar contains 4 stars,
 each increase 1.0 value, so, it contains the minimum of 1.0 (1 star) and maximum value of 4.0 (4 stars).
 In addition, it made the 2nd star (2.0) selected by default.

 Check Box :

 Make CheckBox is checked by default Put android:checked="true"  inside checkbox element to
 make it checked bu default. In this case, “Android” option is checked by default.

 Radio Button : Radio button selected by default. To make a radio button is selected by default, put android:checked="true" within the RadioButton element. In this case, radio option “Male” is selected by default.

 What is Android layout?

 Layout denotes the architecture of the application, where and how the controls should be organized
 in the UI.It defines the layout structure and holds all the elements that appear to the user.

 Android allows us to create layouts for the applications using simple XML file and those layouts must be placed in /res/layout folder. We can declare the layout in two ways and here we will discuss first way of doing it:   Declare UI elements in XML Create UI elements at runtime using Java.  Different kinds of layouts in Android are: Linear Layout Relative Layout Table Layout WebView Layout Grid View Tab Layout
  List View

 Table layout In a table layout,  as the name suggests, all the controls are arranged into rows and columns.

Why Table layout?   New Visitor?   Like what you read?

 Table layouts can be used for displaying tabular data or neatly aligning screen contents in a way similar to an HTML table on a web page. It organizes user interface controls, or widgets, on the screen in neatly defined rows and columns. Before we start with developing application,

 download code from here to follow with the below listings.

 Downloadable Source